Δευτέρα 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Training course, Portugal April 2016

"ICT: From teachers to facilitators and moderators of a student-centered learning process"

Basic idea of this online-course, which exists of four modules, is to prove and implement individualized teaching and learning with use of new media. Thereby in the foreground stands the practical transfer of the learned competences into the own lessons. A further focus lies in the application of online-tools which may be useful to support individualization and differentiation by the students.

Module 1
Teachers are getting more and more facilitators of self-contained learning students, that looks at least like the ideal conception ... 
In practice high numbers of students and heterogeneous learning groups confronts teachers with high challenges - these are in the focus of module 1. Jointly we will analyze the new teacher role and you will learn to know possibilities to promote students individually without staying on the track with your time management.

Module 2
In our second module we'll work on (eLearning / Blended Learning) methods to differentiate and individualize. At the beginning of this module you'll try different tasks from the student's perspective and reflect on them from your familiar point of view, as a teacher, afterwards.
Beside the conception of individual conducive exercises and the ideal design of online-activities, you'll get to know a number of methods to differentiate. By the end of the module you're going to design your own Moodle-activities for your pupils, trying to use online-resources to differentiate and encourage your students to gain new competences.

Module 3
In this module you will - after a short presentation and proving of various, for differentiated teaching and learning eligible (Web 2.0)-tools - get productive for yourself! So you will learn to know a various number of Web 2.0 tools and (online-) applications. You will experiment with at least two multimedia tools and think about ideas for their implementation in the classroom. A special focus lies on the fact, that the presented tools are freeware, open source or online-applications, which also can be used by your students.

Module 4
In this module you will get to know different alternative assessment methods and you will prove them for suitability in practice. Jointly with your colleagues you will discuss this subject, exchange experiences and think about pro's and con's about assessing alternatively. Finally you'll concentrate on one method, which you'll prepare as an online-activity for your pupils. 

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