Directorate of Secondary Education in the Dodecanese

Directorate of Secondary Education of Dodecanese is public educational authority, supervising 100 schools, 15.000 students (general and vocational) and 2.500 teachers in the region. Moreover, Directorate supervises adult and lifelong learning institutions in the region of Rhodes and surrounding islands. It is attached to the Ministry of Education, Researchand Religious Affairs in Greece and it is a decentralized educational service of the public sector. Its responsibility has to do with educational, pedagogical and administrative matters.
Dodecanese region has special geographical features: 18 islands, small scale schools in isolated islands, distance from mainland Greece. Due to tourism industry in the region, there are pupils of different background: first and second generation children with immigrant background, originating from Albania, Russia, Bulgaria and Asia.
Directorate acts as facilitator of innovative approaches and projects in education in the region. It implements projects, pilot studies and teaching programmes in cooperation with other authorities/organizations in order to open schools to society and to correspond to local needs.
Besides synergies at regional level, Directorate seeks cooperation at European level in order to broaden perspective, work with schools abroad and learn from each other, transfer successful practices from other schools and prepare teachers and learners become responsible European citizens of a multicultural society.
Directorate has a team of expert teachers, university professors and school counsellors with previous knowledge on implementation of european and national wide projects. They act as multipliers at schools and offer guidance to teachers. The team works with teachers teams in each school in order to support the practical application of the projects.The team of expert teachers comes from all educational sectors, lower secondary, upper secondary, VET, Universities, adult training. They are competent in foreign languages and ICT, they have participated in many European projects and they are willing to support changes at schools.

Directorate website in Greek
English pages

Directorate is housed at the 4th flooor of the building of Public Administration

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